January 2022 Newsletter
January 2022 Newsletter
What I’m leaving in 2021
To say these last two years were grueling is an understatement, so as we raise our glasses to celebrate the ending of 2021 and the beginning of 2022, let’s focus on the possibilities the year can bring. If you believe in angel numbers, the year 2022 will be all about getting back to normalcy and rebuilding our lives.
Looking back at 2021, I was reminded of just how precious life is, and because of that, I made the decision that I will no longer take any of my relationships for granted. From my relationship with my parents to the ones with my children to my family and friends, and my relationship with myself, I plan to take better care of each one of them. In order to do that, there are certain things, ideas, and bad habits that cannot trail me into 2022. I have to learn from my mistakes.
Lack of faith
We all have a greater power, the belief that there is more to life than us. 2022 will be my year to trust God totally and completely. I plan on using my gifts and talents, and stepping out in faith, especially when I am afraid.
I have never been one who brings a lot of drama, but I will be even more determined than ever to keep the drama down to a minimum. No fussing, bickering, or pettiness in this New Year.
If I plan to treat each of my relationships better, I have to practice making sure my family and friends know they are a priority in my life. I will maintain frequent contact and not neglect those I say I love. This includes me – we often put others ahead of ourselves and this is dangerous – we should be our first love, and the rest will follow.
Distractions and Lack of Focus
Laziness and procrastination have no place in my 2022. I will do whatever is necessary to avoid allowing these distractions to block my success. In 2022, I will prioritize my goals and keep my eyes on the prize.
I am looking forward to all the joy 2022 will bring. I am ridding my life of the old habits of 2021. I am completely clear on what I will NOT be bringing into the New Year!
Another year, 365 days of fighting battles. Some that you will win and some that you will lose. Some days will be very good, some will be terribly bad, but in order to rise you will fall, to heal you have to grow, to be happy, some things will be painful.
My wish for you for 2022 is that your walls know joy, your rooms hold laughter, and every window is open to possibility.
Cheers to 2021, thank you for the lessons. 2022 – welcome!
Love, Tania
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Our team at Woodlands Spa invites you to enjoy a sensory and meaningful experience which will leave you with a sense of vitality, new found energy and joy. To make a booking, call us on 010 010 5026 or send an email to bookings@woodlandsspa.co.za.